Sub Dealership Form

Sub Dealership Form

Company name *
Email Address *
Company Address *
Contact Phone *
Key Persons & Designation *
Present Business Type *
Present Business Turnover / year *
Sales & Marketing Staff *
Area where Operating Now *
Area of Operation / Sector desired for Green Tech Business *
Investment for Greentech Business *
Your Marketing / Business Plan for Green Tech. *
When Planning to Start Green Tech Business *
Greentech Monthly Sales Planned *
Other Details

** NOTE: Above criteria can be relaxed for exceptional cases.

Terms & Conditions

  • 1. Registered Company with Postal Address , Pin Code & GSTIN no.
  • 2. Should have Good Techno Commercial Back Ground.
  • 3. Should have been running a Business for 2 years at least.
  • 4. Should be Willing to Operate in a Designated Area or Segment.
  • 5. Should have an Office with Proper Facilities – Computer, Phone, etc
  • 6. Should have Sales & Marketing People with Technical & Sales Background.
  • 7. Should be able to Invest Rupees 2 Lakhs and above to Start the Green tech Business.
  • 8. Should Agree to Achieve the Monthly , Quarterly & Yearly Targets set by the Dealer.
  • 9. Should Operate in the Area / Sector / Segment Allotted Only and as per our Terms & Conditions.
  • 10. Should Work with Full Dedication & Commitment to Build the Green Tech Business.